Saturday 11 January 2014

Family & Other Events

Through out our stay there were many events and gatherings with family. These events are among Amy and my favorite memories! The food, the people and the good times were irreplaceable. Thank you to everyone for having us!

A roadside shop near Borrowdale.

More Borrowdale.

At Mama's House

Banana Tree!

One of the amazing meals we had thanks to Mbuya Mildred

Netsai's Home

While in Victoria Falls we canoed one day down the Zambezi River (feeds into the falls). The river splits Zambia & Zimbabwe and was so warm! Because of rain we didn't bring our camera on the adventure. We did however, have a few close calls with Hippos!

This is called a sausage tree.

The elephant's have gotten to this tree. During the dry season they eat away at the bark to get to water stored inside the tree.

An elephant skull maybe 4 days old

Back at Mama's house

Amy tried so hard to get a great sunrise picture but because of rain it wasn't easy. This picture was taken before 5am on the morning we left for Mosvingo. Thanks to Munya for picking us up and stopping to let Amy take these lovely photos!

Me & Auntie

All the kids at Borrowdale

Saying goodbye to everyone!

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