Monday 6 January 2014

Traditional Ceremony

I think I can speak for all the ladies when I say it was a very long day! We were up and preparing for the day by about 4:30 am and I think we finished around 5:00 pm. Worked HARD, learnt a lot, spend the day with some amazing women and had a great time doing it.

We prepared two meals (breakfast and lunch) and cleaned inside and outside of the home. Tradition is such that many of the females on Sandra's side of the family come to participate and we bring all of our own supplies (including pots/pans/firewood etc..).

Chicken (the "after" picture)....

Me shredding cabbage.

Maiguru Jackie was very excited about coffee (after our early start!)

Sweeping the dirt on the driveway.

One pile of swept dirt. The money is what we earned for all of our piles after they were inspected.

My attempt at cooking Sadza. If you need an arm work out try doing that for an hour! Some of the girls got a good kick out of my attempt.

The chicken (before photo).....

Some of the supplies that were brought for the ceremony.

Some of the dirt piles.

Amy's attempt with the Sadza.

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