Sunday 12 January 2014

Chobe Botswana

We jumped the boarder to Botswana to spend the day on a game drive. In the morning we were on a boat and the afternoon on land. I absolutely fell in love with the Elephants, the are so elegant!

Crossing the boarder we had to stand on this mat for disease control, something new for me!

This beetle was bigger than a match stick!

Yes, this is an ant hill... it is HUGE! There are many like this all over the country side.

Our morning boat ride. It was cut a little short because of heavy rains. We got soaked.

Our first glimpse of a Hippo! The Hippo is the most dangerous of animals in Africa. One of the reasons is because they are so hard to spot, from a distance they look just like small rocks in the water. They normally are in groups of 4 or 5 (one male and many females) and if you get to close their maybe one right underneath you!

Crocodiles here are very well off given the volume of fish so they don't much care for going after anything else to eat. The iguana below was feet from this guy!

Monkey's on the tree!

Another iguana in the tree, they are huge! Maybe 3 feet long.

Behind the Hippo is the bordering country of Namibia, the river splits the two.

This particular Hippo made me realise how dangerous they really are. We sailed by him in our 10 person motorised boat and he started chasing us. He kept up to the boat for a good 10 seconds! The water is only 4-5 feet deep and by swimming and leaping he could keep up! I was really worried for those 10 seconds!

Amy got the best picture of him chasing us out of our entire group. It doesn't even look real but he is leaping out of the water to keep up with us. Amazing!

He eventually gave up.

Our tour guide.

We stopped for lunch (after getting soaked) in this amazing hotel called the Chobe Safari Lodge. Had to ask the front desk to attempt to dry our wet clothes.

In the afternoon the rain finally stopped and we went out on an open jeep/truck type vehicle to do the rest of our game drive on land.

One of the first animals we saw (still on the highway not even in the park) was the Elephant. I could have sat there and watched them all day! The thing that amazes me the most about all the animals (but in particular the elephant) is how once they disappear into the bush within seconds you can't see them any longer. They all camouflage so well even the elephants!

This particular antelope mates for life. One of the few mammals in the animal kingdom that does!

This is a sable antelope. It took my breathe away I've never heard of it but it was beautiful. Bigger than a horse and moved so eloquently. Besides the elephants my favourite animal for sure!

Amy was so excited when we came across this heard of zebra she started clapping! You could hear AND FEEL their gallop once they started running away from us!!!

I couldn't believe it when I saw this!

Just over the boarder back in Zimbabwe we spotted many monkey's and antelope on the highway. When it rains/cools down they like the asphalt because its warm. It's also really dangerous to have Monkey's lying on the highway!